Off The Beaten Path in Costa Rica

Costa Rica is one of the most desirable destinations in the world, and rightfully so, with its paradise beaches, rainforests bursting with exotic wildlife, and unmatched natural beauty. It is a country where you can come to reconnect with yourself to find peace, or you can have some of the wildest days of your life. It is all you make of it, which is why it is so exceptional.

Many people visit and enjoy famous places in Costa Rica. Monteverde’s cloud forest with its haunting mist and rainforests or the romantic thermal hot springs of La Fortuna. But there is much more to fill your memories by venturing off the well-worn path. So, let’s make our way to the rugged Nicoya Peninsula and find your own piece of paradise.


Aerial view of Puntarenas, Costa Rica. Photo by Gian/Adobe Stock

Puntarenas is often forgotten and overlooked and seen as just the town to catch a ferry to the Nicoya Peninsula. But little do people know that it is one of the finest spots to appreciate Costa Rican charm.

Against the backdrop of the gorgeous sunsets in Puntarenas, the boardwalk is lined with swaying palms. People move about their daily lives here. Soccer matches on the beach, chess in the shade, lounging on the benches catching up with friends. Families are out walking, and people are riding their bikes and running. You can mold yourself into everyday life here and not feel like an outsider.

The beachside restaurants serve some of the freshest seafood and traditional cuisine. But what’s even better is making your way along the strip and sampling the many foods the vendors serve. This is Puntarenas, home to famous Churchills - a delicious variation on shaved ice, and Vigorones - a local dish of pork and chimichurri with yuca and cabbage in a bowl of banana leaves. Here you'll also find some of the most delicious seafood.


Aerial view of Paquera, Costa Rica. Photo By Jorge Moro/Adobe Stock

On the southern edge of the Nicoya Peninsula is a hidden secret that many overlook. Glide through the darkness in your kayak as you paddle through the luminous waters. Watch as every stroke lights up around you like stars in the sky.

Take a boat ride and watch as the water transforms into spectacular shades of blue and green. It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity hidden here in the small town of Paquera.

Just outside of Paquera is the Curu Wildlife Refuge. Camouflaged off the main road, it’s surrounded by thousands of trees but what hides inside is something found on a postcard. Capuchin monkeys fill the trees along with incredible spider monkeys, and the sounds of howler monkeys echo through the canopies.

The jungle trails wind through various terrains, with picturesque beaches and sparkling waters. It is an escape into what one would expect Costa Rica to be all about.


Aerial view of Tambor, Costa Rica. Photo by Stock

The sleepy fishing village of Tambor was once a busy bay for Baleen whales, earning the bay its modern name, Ballena Bay. It’s from where it got its name, Ballena Bay. The beach is just right for a day on the water with its calm tide and waves. The dark sand beach is wide open, with palm trees swaying above grassy areas where folks can take a much-needed siesta.