You can be a travel writer without extensive travel

It's a common misconception that you must be an experienced traveler or travel extensively to be a travel writer. There are many different ways to tell the story of travel experiences through many different mediums. You could focus on writing about specific destinations or types of travel. You could focus on areas more local to where you live. You could interview other travelers and write about their experiences or insight. And you could research and report on fact-based destination material. No matter how you choose to do it, if you're passionate about travel, you can become a successful travel writer.

People love reading about other people's adventures and dreaming of experiencing something similar themselves one day. If you can provide them with interesting, informative, and engaging content that gets them to dream trip, then you're sure to find an audience for your work.

What is a Travel Writer

A travel writer tells the story of the experience of traveling. That could be about the journey, the destination, the culture, the food, or activities. It's an endless list.

I'll interject here and say these ideas apply to all media, not just writing. If you love audio, video, or photography, it's the same. You'll approach it a little differently, but it's the same, nonetheless.

Let's call it "travel content creation."

It comes down to passion and skill. If you love to travel, even if you don't do it a lot, and you love writing or any other media creation), about travel, you can be a travel creator.

One of the most important aspects of being a travel creator is research. Getting the facts right and developing the story around those facts. This involves looking up practical information like where to stay, how to get around, and learning about the location's history and culture. After all, what makes travel so interesting is learning about new cultures and the similarities to our own! A good travel creator needs to be able to convey this sense of discovery to their audience.

Experience Writing (or photography, recording, etc.)

Another important aspect of being a travel content creator is creating! A good travel creator needs to be able to capture the sights and sounds of their destination along with its emotions and senses. After all, part of what makes reading about someone else's travels enjoyable is getting a sense of what it was like for them. Was it an easy trip or a difficult one? A fun-filled adventure, a cultural eye-opener, or an arduous journey? A good travel creator can convey all of this through their content, whether written, imagery, audio, or video.

Qualities of a Good Travel Creator

A good travel creator can make even the most mundane destination become fascinating to the right audience. The writer can paint a picture with their words and transport readers to far-flung corners of the world. The photographer can capture the emotion and soul of the subject creating an experience in itself. The audio journalist can create the ambiance that transports the listener to the center of the location. The videographer can create a visual story that connects the viewer to the experience.

They Have a Distinct Voice

One of the first things you notice when reading a piece by a great travel creator is their voice. It should be clear and consistent and convey the writer's personality; it should be their own. A good travel creator will also use literary devices such as humor, irony, and sarcasm to add dimension to their writing. They know who they are and embrace their voice.

They Know Their Stuff

A good travel creator should have an in-depth knowledge of the places they are documenting. This means more than just knowing the popular tourist attractions; it means understanding the culture, history, and people of a place. After all, interesting stories often come from going off the beaten path and talking to locals. This is why locals can be incredible travel creators.

They Are Great Storytellers

A good travel piece should be a great story. It should be more than just a list of facts and itinerary; it should be an engaging read that draws the audience in and makes them feel like they are right there with the creator. When done well, a travel story can transport readers to another time and place and make them see the world in a new light.

They Are Visual Communicators

In addition to being great with words, a good travel creator should also have an eye for composition and be able to take stunning photos to accompany their articles. You don't need expensive camera equipment either, photos taken with phone cameras can be exceptional and personal as well.

The travel photographer should be able to express in words the images they capture. Video needs dialogue. Audio needs narration. It’s not a one-skill field.
After all, one of the best ways to sell readers your story is to show them inspiring images that carry the reader along through the words.

As you can see, many qualities go into being a successful travel creator. If you have a passion for exploring new places and the skill to capture them, you probably have what it takes to become a great travel creator yourself!

How to be a Travel Creator without extensive travel

Let's face it, not all of us can constantly be globe-trotting to generate interesting material to create content about. The good news is you don't have to be. You can have plenty of tales to tell without ever leaving your hometown. Here's how.

Do Some Research

Just because you're not physically traveling doesn't mean you can't learn about different places. It's easy to do a virtual deep dive into any destination you want. Learn about the history, culture, and people of a place, and you'll be able to bring it to life for your readers even if you've never set foot there.

Talk to People Who Have Traveled

One of the best ways to get a feel for a destination is to talk to someone who has been there. If you don't know anyone who has traveled extensively, seek out travel bloggers or writers and send them an email asking if they're willing to chat. Most people are happy to share their experiences and give you some great ideas for your writing.

Read Travel Memoirs and Journals

Another great way to gather material for your writing is to read travel memoirs and journals. This will give you a first-hand account of what it's like to be in a particular place and some insights you may not find from other sources. If you're looking for some travel reading inspiration, check out "On the Road" by Jack Kerouac or "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert, or my favorite - any of Bill Bryson’s work. These memoirs give a great sense of the experiences of traveling.

You don't have to go far - or spend a lot of money - to get material for your travel writing. You can get all the inspiration you need without ever leaving your home region. It may surprise you how interesting the 2-hour drive around your own home can be to prospective travelers.

Tips for aspiring travel writers

If you want to be a travel creator, it's important to do your research before you start producing content. This means familiarizing yourself with the destination that you're writing about. What are the local’s must-see sights? What are the best restaurants? What is the local culture like? The more you know about a place, the easier it will be to create something interesting and engaging. Remember, you don’t have to go far - even your local area can be a destination for the right traveler.

Express your voice

I'm not a fan of the idea that you must "find your voice." You already have a voice. You just need to become comfortable with it. Once you've researched and know what kind of content your audience is looking for, it's time to gain confidence in your voice. This will make your writing unique and set it apart from all the other travel writers. There’s only one ‘you’ after all.

Are you funny, serious, dramatic, informative, or opinionated? It's up to you, but whatever your tone, ensure that it is consistent throughout all your writing. You may be able to fit yourself in the persona of another creator for a short time, but get comfortable with your own voice, and your audience will love you for it.

Publish your work

Once you are comfortable with your voice and know what kind of content your audience wants, it's time to start getting published. The good news is that plenty of places are always looking for new travel content. This site, for example - just pointing that out. Start by submitting guest posts to popular travel blogs or pitching articles to travel magazines. The key is to create. The more you create, the better you will become and the more successful you will be.

If you're thinking about becoming a travel creator, there has never been a better time to start. The world is in a strange place (in 2022), and more people want to be in a different place than where they live. They want to travel. They want to see the world, even if it’s not the traditional big-ticket travel destinations.

There is more demand than ever for interesting and engaging travel content. But it takes more than just wanting to be a travel creator to be one. You need to research, develop your voice, and get published if you want people to read what you have to say.

Luckily, you’re reading this on a site that is on a mission to increase opportunity for local travel creators (Go here to learn how to contribute).

Final thoughts

Travel writing can be a great way to share your experiences and connect with others. It's important to do your research before you start creating to familiarize yourself with the destination and target audience. Once you understand both, it's time to find courage in your voice and start publishing your work. If you want to be successful as a travel creator, you have to create. So, what are you waiting for? Get started!